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日期:2020年02月07日 12:51 作者: 浏览次数: 来源:


A Letter to International Students of Sichuan Agricultural University (For Graduate students)



突如其来的肺炎疫情牵动人心,全中国人民众志成城、共赴时艰。学校认真部署落实疫情防控,关切师生身心健康,积极研究部署2020年春季学期相关工作。 为进一步做好疫情防控期间的学位与研究生教育工作,现将大家关心的工作安排说明如下,望积极配合,共渡难关。

Dear International students,

As we know, China is experiencing a people’s war against the epidemic which touches the hearts of all. In response to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus, SICAU is deploying and implementing epidemic prevention and control with concern about your health and safety. To improve the work on degree and postgraduate education in the spring semester of 2020 during this special time, some arrangements that you care about are explained below. Let us stand in unity and overcome the difficulties.




1.     Academic Arrangement  

The registration day of spring semester is not determined yet. The specific schedule will be announced further. Please do not return to the campus in advance, and pay close attention to the announcement of your embassy in China as well as official notices issued by SICAU and Graduate School.

Graduate students should make reasonable arrangements in house, actively communicate with their supervisors, strengthen independent learning by studying professional literature, thinking deeply on scientific problems, sorting out experimental plans, writing course papers, and revising submitted manuscripts to ensure not to delay your studies.



2. Degree Awarding

In the first half of 2020, the arrangements for the defense of postgraduate dissertation and degree awarding will remain unchanged. For the specific schedule, please check on the work notice issued by Graduate School. Subsequent adjustments may be made according to the epidemic prevention and control situation to ensure that graduation is not affected.




3. Epidemic prevention and control

Please have objective understanding of the novel coronavirus, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and abide by local epidemic prevention and control regulations; keep good personal hygiene, keep mobile phones unblocked, keep close contact with supervisors and administrative staff in your college, and learn the knowledge of novel coronavirus epidemic prevention, monitor your personal health condition and truthfully report health status to us. Graduate students staying in campus must strictly follow relevant management restrictions and actively cooperate with us.

The International Office of Exchange and Cooperation and the Graduate School will make full use of platform such as WeChat and QQ to provide guidance and help to your needs, respond to your concerns, promptly answer your questions.


Please have full confidence in unprecedented epidemic prevention measures taken by the Chinese government which won international recognition and high praise. Please have faith that with our solidarity and courage, the battle against the epidemic will succeed soon!



Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




Graduate School


International Office of Exchange and Cooperation

Sichuan Agricultural University 


February 7, 2020